Digital Radiographs

Willow Pet Hospital has the latest modern digital radiograph (x-ray) equipment.

This modern technology provides the best digital images available in just seconds. This facilitates less time that the patient must be on the table while taking images and therefore creates less stress and anxiety for the pet. If image quality is affected by incorrect positioning, technique or patient movement, images can be retaken in a matter of seconds.

Highest Quality
The image quality compared to old film radiographs is truly unbelievable. Detail is what matters when talking about radiographs, this allows us to obtain a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Some common uses for radiographs that help us define the best treatment and care for your pet:
• Coughing – Congestive Heart Failure, Pneumonia, Asthma, Tracheal Collapse, Megaesophagus
• Vomiting – ingestion of foreign material, tumors/cancer
• Inappropriate urination – bladder/kidney stones, enlarged kidneys
• Lameness – fractures, ACL injuries, hip dysplasia, shoulder and elbow injuries, cancer, fungal infections, and tendonitis
• Paresis (weakness)/Paralysis – intervertebral disc disease “slipped disc”, arthritis


Willow Pet Hospital has the latest modern Esaote ultrasound equipment.

Some common uses for ultrasound that help us define the best treatment and care for your pet:
FAST Scans – brief, four quadrant scans of the abdomen for patients with suspected abdominal fluid from such disease like a bleeding spleen, ruptured bladder or after a severe injury like being hit by a car
Echocardiogram – an ultrasound of the heart essential for diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF) and the source of murmurs (additional sounds from the heart)
Ultrasound Guided Cystocentesis – guided sampling of urine directly from the bladder with the added benefit of evaluating the bladder for abnormalities including stones or cancer
Abdominal Ultrasound – evaluation of the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, bladder and intestines for abnormalities. Guided biopsies can also be taken during this procedure.

Expert Opinions
With a click of the button we can send these digital radiographs and ultrasound images to a board-certified radiologist for a second opinion. Radiologist have four additional years of specialized training, take an intensive exam in their specialty and are required to maintain an advance knowledge in their specialty. Beyond the training they are focused on one thing all day long – radiology and ultrasound. That added intense experience really pays off. Additionally, with an echocardiogram we can send these ultrasound images to the University of Minnesota and have a consultation with a cardiologist and get an expert opinion from a veterinary heart specialist.